Le phénotype mutants cérébelleux chez la souris
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Mise à jour : 20/02/2002




Publications de Nadia-Hadj-Sahraoui

Mémoire de thèse
Processus involutifs affectant les cellules de Purkinje au cours du vieillissement chez deux mutants neurologiques  les souris hétérozygotes staggerer (+/sg) et reeler (+/rl). Thèse dirigée par le Professeur Jean Mariani à l'Université de Paris VI et soutenue le 17 septembre 1996.


N. Hadj-Sahraoui, F. Frédéric, H. Shojaeian, N. Delhaye-Bouchaud, K. Herrup and J. Mariani; Progressive atrophy of cerebellar Purkinje cell dendrites during aging of the heterozygous staggerer mouse (Rora +/sg), Developmental Brain Research, 126, 2001, 201-209.

N. Hadj-Sahraoui, Isabelle Seugnet, Mohamed T. Ghorbel and Barbara Demeneix; Hypothyroidism prolongs mitotic activity in the post-natal mouse brain. Neurosciences Letter, 2000 Feb., 280:2, 79-82.

Mohamed T. Ghorbel, Isabelle Seugnet, Nadia Hadj-Sahraoui, Piotr Topilko, Giovanni Lewi, and Barbara Demeneix; Thyroid hormone effect on Krox-24 transcription in the postnatal mouse brain are developmentally regulated but are not correlated with mitosis. Oncogene, 18, 1999, 917-924

M. Doulazmi, F. Frédéric, Y. Lemaigre-Dubreuil, N. Hadj-Sahraoui, N. Delhaye-Bouchaud and J. Mariani. Cerebellar Purkinje cell loss during life span of the heterozygous staggerer mouse (Rora +/sg ). J Comp Neurol, J. Comp. Neurol, 1999 Aug., 411:2, 267-73.

N. Hadj-Sahraoui, F. Frédéric, H. Shojaeian, N. Delhaye-Bouchaud, K. Herrup and J. Mariani; Quantitative analysis of the cerebellar  Purkinje cells during aging of the heterozygous staggerer mouse. Developmental Brain Research, 98, 1997, 1-8. 

 N. Hadj-Sahraoui, F. Frédéric, N. Delhaye-Bouchaud and J. Mariani; Differential effect of gender on Purkinje cells loss during aging in the cerebellum of the heterozygous reeler mouse (+/rl). Journal of Neurogenetics, 11, 1996, 45-58.