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Par Claire Casnin Dernière modification 08/04/2019 12:10

Ouvrages généraux :

  • EVOLUTION BIOLOGIQUE - Riddley - De Boeck Université.
  • BIOCHEMESTRY - Lubert Stryer - Stanford University - W.H.Freeman And Company New York.
  • Human Genetics : Motulsky et Voguel
  • The history and geography of human genes : Cavalli Sforza


Quelques publications récentes du groupe:

H.Wajcman, F. Galactéros: Le déficit en glucose-6 phosphate déshydrogénase : protection contre le paludisme et risque d'accidents hémolytiques. C. R. Biologies 327 (2004) 711-720. -

V Baudin-Creuza, C Vasseur-Godbillon, C. Pato, C. Préhu, H. Wajcman, M. C. Marden. Transfer of human alpha to beta hemoglobin via its chaperon protein: evidence for a new state. J Biol Chem.2004/279/36530-36533

G.P. Patrinos, B. Giardine, C. Riemer, W. Miller, D.H. K. Chui, N.P. Anagnou, H. Wajcman, R.C. Hardison Improvements in the HbVar database of human hemoglobin variants and thalassemia mutations for population and sequence variation studies. Nucl. Ac. Resch. 2004/32/D537-541

C. Préhu, P. Groff, G. Kalmes, B. Golinska, J.Riou, D. Promé, S.Richelme-David, L. Kiger, R. Ducrocq, H. Wajcman. Short insertion in a hemoglobin chain: Hb Esch, an unstable alpha1 variant with duplication of the sequence (-Ala65-Leu-Thr-Asn68-). Blood Cells Mol Dis 2003/31/234-239.

H.Wajcman, J. Bardakdjian-Michau, J. Riou, C. Préhu, J. Kister, V. Baudin-Creuza, D. Promé, S. Richelme-David, J-L. Harousseau , F. Galactéros Two new hemoglobin variants with increased oxygen affinitty : Hb Nantes [beta 34(B16) Val> Leu] and HbVexin [beta116(G18) His>Leu] Hemoglobin 2003/27 (3)/ 191-199.

C. Préhu, M. Rhabbour, J. C. Netter, M. Denier, J. Riou, F. Galactéros, H. Wajcman Hb F-M-Osaka in a newborn from Southwest France. Hemoglobin 2003/27 (1)/ 27-30

Neildez-Nguyen TMA, Wajcman H, Marden MC, Bensidhoum M, Moncollin V, Giarratana MC, Kobari L, Thierry D, Douay L. Large scale ex vivo production of immature human erythroid cells for transfusion purposes. Nature Biotechnol 2002/ 20(5):467-472

Wajcman H., Kiger L..L'hémoglobine, des micro-organismes à l'homme : un motif structural unique, des fonctions multiples. C. R. Biologies 325 (2002) 1-16

C. Préhu, L. J. Behnken , R. Neumann, J. Riou, J. Kister, L. Kiger, D. Promé, T. Arndt, B. Semmelroggen, M. Schmidt, F.Galactéros, H. Wajcman A new unstable Hb variant with low oxygen affinity: Hb Ilmenau [beta 41(C7) Phe>Cys]. Hemoglobin 2002/26 (2)/169-174.

C. Préhu, J. Riou, I.Sartelet, D. Promé, C.Claparols, M. Denier, J. Motte, F. Galactéros, H. Wajcman HbO-Tibesti, A Hemoglobin Variant Carrying in the Same beta chain the Substitutions of Hb O-Arab and Hb Hamilton found in Combination with Hb S Hemoglobin 2002/26/13-20.

P. Lacan, G. Souillet, M. Aubry, Danielle Promé, S.Richelme-David, J. Kister, H. Wajcman, A. Francina A new alpha2 globin chain variant with low oxygen affinity affecting the N-terminal residue and leading to N-acetylation [Hb Lyon-Bron alpha 1(NA1)Val->Ac-Ala]. Amer. J. Hematol. 2002/69/214-218.

R.C. Hardison, D. H. K. Chui, B. Giardine, C. Reimer, G. P. Patrinos, N. Anagnou, W. Miller, H.Wajcman. HbVar: A Relational Database of Human Hemoglobin Variants and Thalassemia Mutations at the Globin Gene Server. Human Mutation 2002/19/225-233.

V. Baudin-Creuza, C. Fablet, F. Zal, B.N. Green, D. Promé, M.C. Marden, J. Pagnier, H.Wajcman. Hemoglobin Porto Alegre forms a tetramer of tetramers superstructure. Protein Science 2002,11 (1) 129-136.

Wajcman, H., Yapo, A.P., Riou, J., Promé, D., Richelme-David, S., Hurtrel, D., Bardakdjian-Michau, J. A new Ggamma chain variant: Hb F-Coignieres [gamma 75(E19) Ile -> Val]. Hemoglobin 2001/25/ 425-428.

H.Wajcman, A.Lahary, D.Promé, J.Kister, J.Riou, C.Godart, C.Préhu, J.Traeger-Synodinos, I. Papassotiriou, F.Galactéros. Hb Mont Saint Aignan [beta128 (H6) Ala->Pro] a new unstable variant leading to chronic microcytic anemia. Hemoglobin 2001/25/ 57-65.

I. Papassotiriou, J. Traeger-Synodinos, D. Promé, J. Kister, M.C. Marden, E. Stamou, A. Stamoulakatou, H. Wajcman, E. Kanavakis Hemoglobin Sitia [beta128(H6) Ala->Val]: An unstable variant with a substitution in the alpha1beta1 interface. Hemoglobin 2001/25/ 45-56.

C. Préhu, A. Hanichi, A.P. Yapo, C. Claparols, D. Promé, J.Riou, H. Wajcman. Hb Douala [alpha3(A1) Ser->Phe] a new alpha1 gene mutant in a Camerounian woman heterozygous for Hb S and -3.7 kb alpha-thalassemia. Hemoglobin 2001/25/ 323-329.

R.B. Colah, M. Wadia, R. Surve, A.H. Nadkarni, S. Phanasgaonkar, A.C. Gorakshakar, D. Mohanty, D. Promé, H. Wajcman. Hb D-Agri [beta9 (A6) Ser->Tyr, beta121(GH-4) Glu->Gln] : A New Indian Hemoglobin Variant with Two Amino Acid Substitutions in the Same Beta Chain. Hemoglobin 2001/25/ 317-321.

H. Wajcman, F.Galactéros, A. Hanichi, A. Yapo, C. Préhu. Hb F in the adult : could its composition discriminate normal from abnormal fetal globin gene expression? Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, Sciences de la vie/Life sciences 2000 /323/ 975-981.

P. Groff , G. Kalmes , B. Golinska , A. Miyazaki, J. Riou, N. Carte, D. Promé, J. Kister, F. Galactéros, H. Wajcman. Hb Ernz (beta123 [H1] Thr->Asn) and Hb Renert (beta133 [H11] Val->Ala): Two New Neutral Variants Revealed by Reversed Phase HPLC Analysis. Hemoglobin 2000/24/ 287-297.

D. Promé, J.C. Promé, H. Wajcman, J. Riou, F. Galactéros, N. Carte, E. Leize, A. Vandorsselaer. Hb Neuilly-sur-Marne a new human hemoglobin variant with Ser-Asp-Leu inserted between alpha86(F7)Leu and alpha87(F8)His: characterization by high energy collision-induced dissociation liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry and low energy collision-induced dissociation tandem mass spectrometry in a ion trap fitted with a nanospray ionization source. Eur Mass Spectrom 2000/6/205-211.

H. Wajcman, K. Borensztajn, J. Riou, D. Promé, D. Hurtrel, J.Bardakdjian, D.Léna-Russo, I. Amouroux, R. Ducrocq. Two new Ggamma chain variants: Hb F-Clamart [gamma 17(A14) Lys -> Asn] and Hb F-Ouled Rabah [gamma19 (B1) Asn -> Lys]. Hemoglobin 2000/24/ 45-52.

I. Papassotiriou, J. Traeger-Synodinos, D. Promé, J. Kister, E. Stamou, T. Liakopoulou, A. Stamoulakatou, E. Kanavakis, H. Wajcman. Association of Unstable Hemoglobin Variants and heterozygous beta -Thalassemia : The Example of a new variant Hb Acharnes or [beta 53(D4) Ala->Thr]. Amer J Hematol 1999/ 62/186-192.

C. Préhu, M.Bost, C. Barro, D. Promé,J. Riou , C.Godart, J.Kister, F.Galactéros, H. Wajcman. Hb Roubaix [alpha55(E4) Val->Leu]: A new neutral hemoglobin variant involving the alpha1 gene.Hemoglobin 1999/23/ 361-365.

Nagai M, Wajcman H, Lahary A, Nakatsukasa T, Nagatomo S, Kitagawa T. Quaternary structure sensitive tyrosine residues in human hemoglobin: UV resonance raman studies of mutants at alpha140, beta35, and beta145 tyrosine. Biochemistry 1999/38/1243-1251.

H. Wajcman, J. Riou, D. Promé, J. Kister, F.Galactéros. Hb Brie Comte Robert [beta36(C2) Pro->Ala]: A new hemoglobin variant with high oxygen affinity and marked hydrophobic properties. Hemoglobin 1999/23/ 281-286.

M. Cohen-Solal, C. Préhu, H. Wajcman, C. Poyart, J. Bardakdjian-Michau, J. Kister, D. Promé, C. Valentin, D. Bachir, F. Galactéros. A New sickle cell disease phenotype associating HbS trait, severe pyruvate kinase deficiency (PK Conakry), and an alpha2 globin gene variant (Hb Conakry). Brit. J. Haematol. 1998/103/950-956.

A.Y. Segbena, C. Préhu, H. Wajcman, J. Bardakdjian-Michau, K. Messie, L. Feteke , A. Vovor, M. David, J. Feingold, F. Galactéros. Hemoglobins in Togolese newborns: Hb S, Hb C, Hb Bart1s and alpha-Globin gene status. Am. J. Hematol. 1998/59/208-213.

C.Préhu, C.Godart, C.Vigneron, H.Wajcman. Hb Nancy and Hb Osler: two distinct genetic variants with identical clinical and hemoglobin phenotype. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, Sciences de la vie/Life sciences 1998 /321/373-376.

H.Wajcman, M.Dahmane, C.Préhu, B. Costes, D.Promé, N.Arous, J. Bardakdjian-Michau, J.Riou, K.C. Ayache, C.Godart, F. Galactéros. Haemoglobin J-Biskra : a new mildly unstable alpha 1 gene variant with a deletion of 8 residues (alpha50-57, or alpha51-58 or alpha52-59) including the distal histidine. Brit. J. Haematol.1998/100/401-406.

H.Wajcman, J.Kister, J. Riou, F.Galactéros, R.Girot, M.Maier-Redelsperger, N.V.S. Nayudu, P.C. Giordano. Hb Godavari [alpha95(G2)Pro->Thr]: a neutral amino acid substitution in the alpha1beta2 interface that modifies the electrophoretic mobility of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin 1998/22/11-22.