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The genomic organization and virus structure of SARS-CoV-2

Par Naoum Salamé Dernière modification 14/05/2020 10:58

(A) The structure of SARS-CoV-2 consists of a single-stranded positive-sense RNA as the genetic  material,  which  is  surrounded  by  the  nucleocapsid  protein  in  the  core  area  and  a peripheral  envelope  consisting  of  the  spike  (S)  protein,  Envelope  protein,  and  Membrane protein.  (B) The  genomic  organization  of  SARS-CoV-2  is  based  on  a  single-stranded positive-sense RNA, which contains a 5ʹ-methylated  cap  and  3ʹ-polyadenylated tail and is arranged  in  the  following  order:  the  5ʹ  end;  open  reading  frame  (ORF)  1a/b;  envelope; membrane; nucleoprotein; accessory proteins such as orf 3, 6, 7a, 7b, 8 and 9b; and  the 3ʹ end.