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Par Philippe Jeanjacquot Dernière modification 16/02/2024 15:23
By Amilda Cercizi National Steering Committees, Science on Stage Albania

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Almida Cercizja talked about and shared about the coding project in Albania with the different schools levels and solutions. Our teacher were very interested by this project and about any kind of solutions about Coding

The purpose was about the Edu Code Project in Albania


More about the edu project:

The aim of the event was to present coding and lead them to coding .

The event was organized as a workshop where we presented the Coding Clubs which were created before the workshop in different schools in Albania.

These clubs were selected after a public call of application for groups from schools in Albania who wanted to be part of the workshop day.

With the following ACTIVITIES:

1. Teacher training

2. Creating Club Codes

3. Call for application  (Invited pupils from different schools to participate)


5 Competition


The different steps of their project:

  1. Create the clubs in the schools
  2. During the activity in our center, students and teachers created and showed their coded work.
  3. Each Club was compounded of students from 6 to18 years old, passionate about or interested in technology and coding activities. This age gap was interesting as it made us see the students begin to collaborate and step in to help each other
  4. They presented on the day of the workshop the best product they realized. The public speaking skills were noted too.