Bibliographie Hupé
Par jauzein
Dernière modification
09/02/2016 16:54
Articles au téléchargement
- Synaesthesia: an overview of contemporary findings and controversies (Jamie Ward and Jason B. Mattingley)
- Neurocognitive mechanisms of synesthesia (Edward Hubbard and VS Ramachadran)
- Variants of synesthesia interact in cogntive tasks (J Simner and E Hubbard)
- Synesthesia, a window into perception, thought and language (VS Ramachandran and EM Hubbard)
- On the Perceptual Reality of Synesthetic Color (R Blake and al, 2003)
Dans le magazine Cerveau et psycho
"La synesthésie ou la confusion des sens" , Vilayanur Ramachandran et Edward Hubbard, Cerveau et psycho N°14 Bimestriel mars-avril 2006, page 72-77